Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The next system (an idea)


The purpose of this writing is to discuss our current imaginary near global system of capitalism and how we can create a new imaginary near global system of Lifeism.  This will seem a bit farfetched since the majority of you place reality in your possessions and the currencies you utilize to carry out your day to day lives without understanding the ultimate consequences we are all placing on the entire planet by continuing to perpetuate the cycle of consumption; the basis of the system is that there is an unlimited fountain of resources available to everyone while securing all property for a handful of individuals.


            Profit motivates individuals to be innovative and gives them the possibility of securing their lively hood well above necessary or not at all.  The false motivation that is produced via capitalism is false since we have fostered many talented individuals in all isms thus far.  As more and more currency is pooled into the hands of a few, it is taken from the hands of the many; the magic of propaganda driven capitalism is that the pain is suffered somewhere else in the world while protecting the people from the truth.  Every subsystem created through capitalism is corrupted by the mechanics of the system and turns even good deeds to trash while caught in the gears.


            Wellbeing of all motivates the individuals to be innovative and provides for them the basic needs in life as we currently see them: Sustenance, Shelter, Health, Education, Communications, Transportation, Entertainment, and Influence over their lives.  In order to secure these needs this new system will generate a steady stream of funds necessary to achieve the base amount required to sustain human happiness for all.  Beyond the base needs individuals will have the opportunity to attain more wealth by contributing their talents holistically through needed labor, services, or specialized skill set.  This system does not prevent an individual from seeking unnecessary means of labor, services, or specialized skill, but it pays nothing to those who do.
            Lifeism is to be governed by local elements choosing their elected officials to lead them in advancements in their local societies but information is to be made available for all.  The imagined system would take tally of all specialists in an area and divide them into groups of five to elect their direct representative and moved up to the next group of five to determine their direct representative, and so on…   If this is done for every specialist by consensus we should have the most talented people working on our societal issues while being subject to constituent review by knowledgeable persons.
            Individuals who are unable to take care of themselves will be managed by those who wish to serve in that role; the caretaker is to ensure the wellbeing of the individual until such point as it is no longer required.  The caretaker will be the overseer of the credits of the individual to be utilized for the benefit of the individual solely; in the case of minors ½ of the credits will be reserved until maturity.
            The wealth of Lifeism is generated by life and each individual receives one credit a day; when that individual perishes, all generated wealth by their life is removed from the system.  This base cycle contains that life of man has no inherent benefit to the world but it does allow for generation of wealth.  If an individual does a job for a day that contributes to the health of the society or planet they will receive an extra credit for that day of work; if the individual holds a specialized skilled position then they receive two extra credits for that day of work.  Any beneficial advancement created and shared either by individual or conglomerate will pay a credit amount of 356 to be divided among the whole for their own individual purpose.
            Removing and using non-renewable material for personal or collective property costs one credit per determined unit size, likewise polluting our earth by any means will cost one credit per determined unit size.  For example: if it was determined that hewn stone cost is at unit size .5kg and you used 5 credits you would have “purchased” the right to use 2.5kg of hewn stone material as you see fit.  This could take days to “save” up for to purchase if the individual is not providing a beneficial service but still allows them to attain the material beyond what is necessary for healthy life.  Individuals can pool their credits to make purchases together to work on projects as a conglomerate, as dictated by them in peer review of everyone in the society.  With this system adhered to almost all non-green companies could no longer operate without restructuring, of course we would have to have a grace period in order to retool with technologies we have long since had capability of.
            Lifeism is a shared information system where technologies are spread once unlocked with benefits going to the developers; with this information management technologies will be able to be replicated by every micro society in the world changing them to fit their needs, thus creating new technologies to be shared benefiting the developers.  There is no age restriction on who can be a contributor to helping advance technologies.

From here to there

            In order to move quickly to the structure, I am recommending that the movement develop new technology that facilitates the type of communication and consensus that they require from the bottom up.  The initial system should be as open as possible with as little end user information as possible retained; leverage existing technology modules that are common, for example: a location system based on a map module for determining who communications will reach on a grass-roots level.


            Based on what I have seen at the GA around the occupy movement we would want anyone to be able to bring forth an idea or concept or -1 <> +1 another person’s concept.  The information of non-adopted ideas should fall out of the system like water through a sieve; adopted ideas, procedures, etc… should be increased to the regional level for Spokes to bring forth as a possible entire movement platform.  Regardless once an idea is submitted it should remain open for 72 hours or so to get as much input on it as possible.


            Like the Lifeism system, each participant in the OM infrastructure will be given a set credit amount, initially starting at 1 per day in order to either make posts of their own ideas or support other’s suggestions.  The different activities could always have assigned varying credit costs, for example: to bring forth a point of information or a block may cost a different amount as they affect the communications stream differently.  If the entire Lifeism system is adopted, the varied amounts for the actual work performed should be enabled, thus those contributing to society more will have more of a “vote”; however this would require additional retention and verification of information.


            I strongly feel, along with the majority of occupiers that a paradigm shift is starting; in order to get this started efficiently we need to integrate, and standardize communications and GA mechanics in order to reach a larger audience with any effect.  I give these suggestions of a possible system and offer my support to anyone looking to develop these ideas further, I realize they are only figments of imagination at the moment but we are already on the move and require support via technologies beyond the mix mash we get from FB, Twitter, Google, etc… 


  1. Revolutionary ideas. I like it.

    I wonder about timing. It seems like what's happening now is "evolutionary". I'm afraid if we set up a system too quickly, it would turn into the same thing we have now. I just wonder how much time is needed before people truly shift over their thinking.

    What are your thoughts?

  2. The main thing to concentrate on right now is the communications platform that mimics GA interaction but on a grander scale. Once in place, I imagine everyone logging in to take place in the discussions directly related to their area while "advertising" the adopted motions to all other areas. Keeping the communication platform at the forefront will allow those not currently in the occupy conversation to be able to take place more readily.

    As far as replacing the current economy with anything else, yes, it cannot be implemented too quickly as to allow any one individual or group of individuals to control the mechanisms. What I have suggested here are just starting points in which I have no practical capability to create; however knowing technology, none of the systems would be difficult to implement.

    What is ultimately required for anything is the shift in thinking of the people and we would need far beyond 50% to support this if we are to get from here to there with no bloodshed. The simple fact is that I don't know how we can convince anyone who has personally benefited from the current system to look upon any other without disdain. Overall we have a lot of minds to wake up to the crushing facts that have been all around us; and I realize how hard they are to recognize from within side the cells of the system as I am barely out compared to how long I was in.

    These systems could be put into place within a few months with current technology but the social mapping of the recommended Lifeism system would take at least 10years in my estimate if everyone was on board as there would be a great many parts of the current system which would not be necessary under the Lifeism system, such as lending and borrowing... gotta retrain all of those people to start being productive.
