Friday, November 4, 2011

New Start

I am going to try to write the things that I think as I think them letting the flow go sort of speak but in type not speak.  I have no clue where the variety of things will go that until recently I have completely remained blissfully unaware by the bombardment of the current social bubble.  Removing me from that which confined required complete detachment and if not for my son keeping me grounded, I would most likely have let loose this mortal coil due to the sheer insurmountable tasks set before me and indeed the rest of humanity.

The core issue with technology is that it requires less humanity over time to retain the same production.  The simplest thought for me would be a group of beings without tools keeping a fire roaring opposed to one man with many tools.  The group would spend most of their time keeping the fire going in cases of life and death and the little remaining time would be to secure the other life needs while the man with tools would require little time to keep the fire tended and indeed could even let it dissipate without much worry of it effecting his mortality.  The assumptions in these scenarios are vast but at least some points in our history both maintain truth.

I was never good at algebra or any higher math until recently and I profess no mastery only a bit more awareness of how much influences these concepts and structures control our reality; one man’s reality is another’s fantasy.  I figured out the fantasy structure was present a few years ago but had no way of quantifying it in words.  Every facet of our daily lives in the majority of the world is an illusion that we have created and lived in for a long while; the majority has no say in what this illusion is.  I remember clearly walking away from the game Monopoly when my cousin stole from the bank, it is not so simple to walk away from the illusion of life however even if it is as ridiculously setup with handouts.

I was sold the free market BS early on while my parents pledged their allegiance to the dollar under Regan.  I remember going from my father having a prosperous company to none in less than a few years, meh must have had too many regulations in place…  As houses skyrocketed all around the area, I watched a family sell a home they had purchased for less than 50k for over 750k in less than 10 years.  With my basic math understanding mind this seemed ludicrous but my misunderstanding was quickly removed when I was told about population growth, development, etc… but in the back of my mind it still seemed pretty farfetched.

What it comes down to is being in the right place at the right time but the trick is foreseeing such events or in this day and age simply making them happen by creating false amounts of cash, stock, or trust.  I like the Lex Luthor approach more than today’s business masters because at least he had the balls to send a rocket to raise property prices, meh some people feel like a missile has hit them anyways, I am sure some just suicide when the realization hits them that everything is a sham and it has no possibility of changing at this point.

The current issues we are facing are at least as follows: Consuming, Destroying our soil and water, pollution, lack of empathy and care for everyone including ourselves, pointless production, nuclear disaster, poor energy usage, and resource mismanagement.  If we were to include the blind indoctrination of our population into sects via classical programming then we may as well throw in the towel.

I had given up hope, but now with the world starting to move it is renewed, slim as it may be.  Since the Occupy protests have started they have come up with essentially all of the same insights collectively that I maintained to myself after my breakdown occurred, this alone fills me with such joy that I can barely contain my near manic state as I have begun writing again.  If I had not already overcome my true self to climb back into my monkey cage that we all share… I would be out there as well.  Alas I am fearful of what that entails and I know it all too well as my family and friends nearly had me sent away; I don’t know why I bother mixing words, if it was not for my reasoning still being intact when the case worker and officer arrived, I know I would be locked away still today.

But enough of that, a new day is dawning, whether that is a good thing or not depends on all of us, but I am going to take this one step further with my own thoughts on how we should get from here to Zeitgeist and the Venus Project.  For the uninformed you can Google it or think Star Trek on earth.  To get to this great world where no one needs a broker and the system handles the task of essentially everything is an enormous task but easily handled with the support of 100% of the individuals on the planet. 

The main problem is getting the buy in from the top management without any more blood being spilt (millions are dying of starvation every year everywhere, none are exempt), of course as in any company, management like their positions and don’t like new structures.  We don’t see our world as a company with resources available which are finite and affect the bottom line which is destruction; if we did we would make every item to last as long as we possibly could to be reused, upgraded, and recycled throughout the life cycle of the item’s parts.  So, how do we convince management a new system is in their best interest and what happens after the acceptance of the need?  You repeat the plan over and over and assure them that they will be ok, just like a child; why a child, because it is too hard to explain the intricacies of complex infrastructures to old newbs (j/k dad).

Resource management is a fantastic idea proposed which would require taking stock on a local level of every resource, including human so as to get proper talent for “jobs”; yes we will be working for quite some time.  The electorate system should be setup at a local city level with representatives from each field of mastery voted up by 4 of their peers in the field of study; the individuals elected will be the representatives for the EA of the city to send up to the current themed “state” level.  The EA chosen at all levels will be the mandate for the area, thus we will have different specialties in different locations all managed by the same system and standards.  This system of professional electorate management of resources will be able to be replicated not only in one “state” but in all, including foreign. 

What we should end up with is a bunch of professionals, elected by peers; managing the structure of how our systems will be united.  Hopefully they would turn out to be the best in their fields of the areas but this is still an elected position, so there is still social and ideological possibilities involved in selection.  Thus perhaps the engineer, who wishes to remain utilizing fossil fuels; while a brilliant man, may not get the selection to be sent as representative for infrastructure creation.

Why not send anyone to be a representative with no background in say civil engineering or construction, what about the arts?  I am sure in a hundred years when our race is kickin’ it federation style we will have plenty of time to enact feeler’s ideas, once everyone’s needs are met.  If there are more than 5 of a type of professional for voting occurrences then randomized voting blocs should be setup in groups of 5 with an upwards cycle of voting until each has 1 representative selected for the area; this will be that sections hierarchy until the next 5 year voting cycle.  Everyone who is certified (degreed) in an area required for representation will be available to be elected upon the next voting council cycle.

What this will do for us is enable us to  come up with the best designs for a living future city enacted by sound decisions in a structure of support with the best minds in any given field.  Do we say wish to build wind farms in a wind abundant area?  Done… no fossil fuels for the desert due to sun abundance?  Done…  This would nearly happen overnight with the full support of our current unused potential.  The system for tracking the needs of material would of course have to be in place… something that we know absolutely nothing about possibly creating now, right?  Give me a break, we have so many splintered databases and knowhow, we can easily setup an account of everything available, distributable, and the state of all items created as well as their operational condition and anything else we could possibly wish to do… all from the infrastructure we already have, all we need is the motivation to do it, we have the talent to make it happen.

I make no assumption that fossil fuels will still be a crutch we use, but if we decided to, every factory would have no emission, electric vehicles produced solely.  The only ones who say it can’t be done have a vested interest in the way things are now, no matter the reasons they give.  Also, who is anyone to tell anyone that it can’t be done?  We can do anything we set our minds and currently “pockets” to, but what happens when we are left to only our minds?  We will then remember that we are the driving force behind all technological development, the people; not a few individuals.

Since we are on the age of renewed thought process, I will leave you with these final thoughts.  We are all information and in fact we are the only beings we know of that can actually disseminate the code of the universe.  Being as that knowledge is the only source of power, that means we are the only source of power; without us nothing but the earth, moon, stars, cosmos, etc… remains.  We have created everything from the Wheel to the Internet, we fly around the planet at supersonic speeds and send men to space; none of these accomplishments exist in a vacuum.  We must all realize these simple truths in order to break ourselves free from bad technology in the way of currencies, this technology that we have clung to serves no purpose any longer as we proceed to our futures; we must all attest to the horrors we have inflicted by remaining in the cage we put ourselves in so long ago.  It is time to wake up and join in thought word and deed.

Technology is a tool created by me, I am information; information technology is we.


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